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Фото "The painter and its studio"

фото "The painter and its studio" метки: портрет, репортаж, мужчина
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The painter and its studio
Julio Resende is one of the biggest Portuguese painters. 
чт 9 сен 2004 22:36
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комментарии (15 из 46)
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Vitor Nunes Vitor Nunes #1 чт 9 сен 2004 22:41

Excellent work, Miguel
(o ambiente esta muito bem captado)
Grande abraco

A. Girao A. Girao #3 чт 9 сен 2004 22:52

A great portrait for a great painter.
Congrats, Miguel


A V E A V E #4 чт 9 сен 2004 22:54

great photo!!!! interesting man and place, good composition with awsome detail!!!!

Sanjin Lopatic Sanjin Lopatic #6 чт 9 сен 2004 23:07

Nicely done

luquesio melo luquesio melo #7 чт 9 сен 2004 23:15

Excellent portrait, great atmosphere, very well captured, Miguel.
Um abraco.

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #8 чт 9 сен 2004 23:37

Concordo perfeitamente Miguel, um retrato de grande qualidade do mestre no seu ambiente de trabalho, perfeito!!
Grande abraco

David Griffiths David Griffiths #9 чт 9 сен 2004 23:53

Fabulous informal portrait! Good work Miguel.

Jorge Moreno Jorge Moreno #10 пт 10 сен 2004 00:10

Excellent setting and painting


Zapryagaylo Alexey Zapryagaylo Alexey #12 пт 10 сен 2004 00:14

Very good photo

cliff rosbotham cliff rosbotham #13 пт 10 сен 2004 00:27

Very very nice portrait. Well composed and presented.

Diogo Diogo #14 пт 10 сен 2004 00:30

Very good potrait..nice work!!!

Arvid Klokk Arvid Klokk #15 пт 10 сен 2004 00:37

very very well composed !!!

Иван И Иван И #16 пт 10 сен 2004 01:03

Very good portrait!

Jose Antonio Moreno Jose Antonio Moreno #17 пт 10 сен 2004 01:13

Beautiful setting and light.

Excellent point of view.


Наталия Нурланд Наталия Нурланд #18 пт 10 сен 2004 01:14

Excellent picture!