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Фото "Brushstrokes in the sea... #1"

фото "Brushstrokes in the sea...  #1" метки: пейзаж, абстракция, вода
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Brushstrokes in the sea... #1
место съемки:
Filter: PL 
ср 13 мар 2002 01:14
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комментарии (15 из 44)
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Aguinaldo Calheiros Vera-Cruz Aguinaldo Calheiros Vera-Cruz #1 ср 13 мар 2002 01:19


Victoria Victoria #2 ср 13 мар 2002 01:20

Great shot and beautiful colors улыбаюсь ))
I like this reflection улыбаюсь )

Reda Danaf Reda Danaf #3 ср 13 мар 2002 01:21

Great abstract...Well seen and well taken.

r. g. r. g. #4 ср 13 мар 2002 01:26

Excellent imageand reflex, Berenice.

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #5 ср 13 мар 2002 01:33

Wonderful reflex Berenice!!!

Pedro Monteiro Pedro Monteiro #6 ср 13 мар 2002 02:22

Wow ! Visually stunning !
I would choose : "Water Tapestries"
Great stuff as usual.....flying to the Top 20 , Berenice !

kurt yang kurt yang #7 ср 13 мар 2002 02:59

beautiful like a painting!

Maria Ros&aacuterio Rosa Maria Rosário Rosa #8 ср 13 мар 2002 03:18

Great colours you have here!

Miguel Corte-Real Miguel Corte-Real #9 ср 13 мар 2002 03:32

Excellent picture, Berenice!!

Сергей Дмитров Сергей Дмитров #10 ср 13 мар 2002 03:40

Colours are clear & magnificient!

Alenka Kachuro Alenka Kachuro #11 ср 13 мар 2002 05:17

This has reminiscences of so many artists `painted` all over it. Picasso is one of the first that come to mind. Beautiful and beautifully photographed.

Leandro Meinhardt Leandro Meinhardt #12 ср 13 мар 2002 05:21

Thats what I call waterpaint... Beautiful colors and composition!!
Well catch!! Congratulations!!

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #13 ср 13 мар 2002 06:42

Beautiful work!

valerie hutton valerie hutton #14 ср 13 мар 2002 08:45

awesome!!! I love the colors and the motion.....looks like an oil

Alexei Kopytov Alexei Kopytov #15 ср 13 мар 2002 09:18

that`s just incredible!