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Фото "Common Roadside Landscape"

фото "Common Roadside Landscape" метки: пейзаж, путешествия, Европа, весна
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Common Roadside Landscape
вт 18 июн 2002 03:16
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комментарии (15 из 16)
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Jose Sarmento Jose Sarmento #1 вт 18 июн 2002 03:22

Seeing this photograph I remember the ways of my village! How pretty she is! And how well made ! A great photograph. Congratulations, Babette

Victoria Victoria #2 вт 18 июн 2002 03:59

Красиво улыбаюсь

Alex Kirkovsky Alex Kirkovsky #3 вт 18 июн 2002 06:50

I like it very much, Babette!
I love such style at all... улыбаюсь

JP Zorn JP Zorn #4 вт 18 июн 2002 07:38

Very cool. I like. Great subtle mixture of things and lines. Nice mood. Fine blacks and whites and in betweens. Reminds me a little of stuff I`ve tried to do recently (no luck). Also of Robert Adams` stuff.

Berendey Berendey #5 вт 18 июн 2002 08:08

Good shot!!

Aguinaldo Calheiros Vera-Cruz Aguinaldo Calheiros Vera-Cruz #6 вт 18 июн 2002 11:35

A very well done composition and an excellent B&W

Vale de Sousa Vale de Sousa #7 вт 18 июн 2002 13:39

Love it Babette

Mario Ferreira Mario Ferreira #8 вт 18 июн 2002 16:30


Jahan Jahan #9 вт 18 июн 2002 19:58

excellent landscape Babette, Congrats!!!

Alex Amelin Alex Amelin #10 вт 18 июн 2002 21:08

Хорошая работа !

Jacob Lopes Jacob Lopes #11 вт 18 июн 2002 21:25

Very good b&w picture!
Excellent tonal range and light!

Grois Grois #12 вт 18 июн 2002 22:00

Excelente shot!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #13 вт 18 июн 2002 22:48

Wonderful work, as always!
Congrats, Babette!

Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #14 ср 19 июн 2002 02:11

Beautiful BW. Congrats!

Rune Johansen Rune Johansen #15 ср 19 июн 2002 02:45

Look actually very simple but very nice.
I like that you did it in b&W. I like the lines of the tarroad.
My best regards