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Фото "Child"

фото "Child" метки: портрет, дети
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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комментарии (10 из 10)
все комментарии по убыванию
Jose Sarmento Jose Sarmento #1 вт 13 авг 2002 23:13

An very nice and expressive vision of a wonderful Child. This work is GREAT. Very good photograph. My congratulations, Mario Sousa.

Тронин Тронин #2 ср 14 авг 2002 00:58


Vitor Nunes Vitor Nunes #3 ср 14 авг 2002 02:50

"mischief" and a beautiful smile.

Sandra Battaglia Sandra Battaglia #4 ср 14 авг 2002 07:09

There are to many wonderful elements in this shot to comment on. The expressive hands are just one of them, and then the incredible details....and of course the expression in the childs eyes and that doesn`t even begin to take in all the details of this wonderful work and `seeing` eye behind the lens. улыбаюсь

Victor Camara Victor Camara #5 ср 14 авг 2002 14:09

Very nice portrait. Tha child expression is fantastic.
Congrats, my friend.

Андрей Щербаков Андрей Щербаков #6 ср 14 авг 2002 15:57

Kids always interest the worl, that surrounds they... Excellent picture, congratulations Mario!

Jacob Lopes Jacob Lopes #8 пн 19 авг 2002 22:41

Different and original b&w composition!
I like it very much!

Adel Mansour Adel Mansour #9 вт 20 авг 2002 08:55


Vale de Sousa Vale de Sousa #10 сб 24 авг 2002 05:48

I never to much to see your photos

Edite Fernandes Edite Fernandes #11 пт 18 окт 2002 05:03

Excellent B&W photo.