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Photo "dark day"

photo "dark day" tags: landscape, nature,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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dark day
Wed 30 Apr 2014 20:48
comments (1 from 1)
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Leo NucLeon Leo NucLeon #1 Thu 1 May 2014 01:40

All page is in English … I will use English.
Well seen! Now my opinion: A camera does not have the flexibility of human vision. With my eyes I see the essential part of image (eyes+brain) know how to see only part of the image. The camera rely on you. In this photo you had a choose: sky or trees on the hill. You have chosen sky. I would choose the trees with some clouds above. Just cut off the upper half of the image. The lower part of the image very well done. The same applied to the paper part of the image, however the upper part of the image is much less interesting than its lower part.
Cut off the upper part and my rating would be *** (excellent) smile