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Photo "death of the wind-up bird"

photo "death of the wind-up bird" tags: landscape,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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death of the wind-up bird
[dedicated to may kasahara]

..."the lump of death.
i’m sure there must be something like that.
something round and squishy, like a softball, with a hard little core of dead nerves…
it’s squishy on the outside, and the deeper you go inside, the harder it gets…
and the closer you get to the center, the harder the squishy stuff gets, until you reach this tiny core.
it’s sooo tiny, like a tiny ball bearing, and really hard"... 
Tue 26 Aug 2014 20:02
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Сергей Сергей #1 Tue 26 Aug 2014 20:14

При совмещении изображения, названия и приведенного в примечании текста - эффект поразительный. (лично для меня) Спасибо.