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Фото "Mirrored #2"

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50% 75% 100% EXIF
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Mirrored #2
место съемки:
вс 7 ноя 2004 20:01
постоянная ссылка:
комментарии (15 из 101)
все комментарии по убыванию
Eлена Петрова Eлена Петрова #1 вс 7 ноя 2004 20:07

very nice done

Regina Lopes Regina Lopes #2 вс 7 ноя 2004 20:08

Wonderful abstract, my friend. Esta ficou lindona, Bere. Jokas.

Валерий Винокуров Валерий Винокуров #3 вс 7 ноя 2004 20:12

Excellent mosaic

Susanne Eftevand Susanne Eftevand #4 вс 7 ноя 2004 20:15

this is fascinating ,very creative ,harmonic! I like it a lot.My congratulation Berenice !

miguel miguel #5 вс 7 ноя 2004 20:32

Estes reflexos tem muita sensualidade bere. Muito boa luz e um grafismo bem conseguido. parabens. beijinho.

thoranto thoranto #6 вс 7 ноя 2004 20:36

Wow!!! Talking about abstract! Really Bere, you are simply amazing. (Like that was something new in your case улыбаюсь ))) Wonderful work. I really love it.
Best regards my friend and many thanks.

Катерина Соболева Катерина Соболева #7 вс 7 ноя 2004 20:37

excellent mirror abstract, Bere!

Дмитрий Минаков Дмитрий Минаков #8 вс 7 ноя 2004 20:40

fantastic shot! such an interesting view on the simple things улыбаюсь

Jouko M Jouko M #9 вс 7 ноя 2004 20:47

Wondeful image, Bere!

Best regards...

chandru shahani chandru shahani #10 вс 7 ноя 2004 20:58

An extraordinary lovely composition.
Good tone setting with bright colors.

Arvid Klokk Arvid Klokk #11 вс 7 ноя 2004 21:05

Beautiful and creative work. I like it!
My regards

Petur Einarsson Petur Einarsson #12 вс 7 ноя 2004 21:17

excellent abstract.

A. Girao A. Girao #13 вс 7 ноя 2004 21:21

The world per times is made of small things that become in great moments per times as this.
Parabens Bere por mais esta beleza!!

Андрей А Андрей А #14 вс 7 ноя 2004 21:27

Another great architectural part.

luquesio melo luquesio melo #15 вс 7 ноя 2004 21:50

Nao sei se gosto mais deste trabalho ou do anterior, mas gosto muito dos dois!!!
Esta excelente, Bere. Um beijinho.