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Photo "The four."

photo "The four." tags: genre, portrait,
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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The four.
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. I don`t know this man and him looking on me is a bit of luck... 
Wed 9 Jan 2002 19:18
comments (8 from 8)
all comments descending
Nadezhda Kvitka Nadezhda Kvitka #1 Wed 9 Jan 2002 20:22

Ромчик мне нравится..
интересно получилось..
от дозора не скроешься.
хоть ты и высоко забрался. но тебя обнаружили..
уноси ноги пока пленку не отобрали -)

Slavets Slavets #2 Wed 9 Jan 2002 20:27

Ya bi otkadriroval po vtoroi plitke snizu, chetvertoi sleva... JMO

Al  Shortt Al Shortt #3 Wed 9 Jan 2002 22:24

A little more room for the man at the bottom?

Adel Mansour Adel Mansour #4 Thu 10 Jan 2002 07:41

Excellent perspective, great shot.

A Beautiful Light Photography San Diego CA A Beautiful Light Photography San Diego CA #5 Fri 11 Jan 2002 02:03

классный ракурс

FOMA FOMA #6 Fri 11 Jan 2002 06:07

Интереснейшая ситуация.

Gudrun Svenda Gudrun Svenda #7 Thu 24 Jan 2002 02:20

I`d have prefered that the person on the photo`s downside would be one step towards center, but you would have fallen down to catch that one in an other angle. Better that way you did wink

Peter Schwarz Peter Schwarz #8 Sat 26 Jan 2002 23:29

Wonderful image - it is if he talks to you.....maybe a little more room for the man at the bottom, like Al says - Great shot, Roman!