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Excellent point of view.
I'm agree with Gabriella, it's a history now!!!!!
Maybe this photo some day will be historical.....
This day, I afaid is here already...
I am from Baton Rouge - 55 miles to west from New Orleans.
Excellent city view.
It may never be the same again.... Thats what happens when they put dollars before heritage.... Nice capture of a great view...
This was a crazy city before. I think it will come back in 2 years max to the same style of life. Nothing is not replacable, even people...
You are right, we had strong wind and some destruction. I have visited some places in ground zero, looks like nuclear explosion...
Some people leave in my house for suburb of New Orleans
what happened to this place...
how will it look today?
well captured.
I really don't know.
It looks like the end of this street is steel flooding,
most of cars a military of some kind or abondoned,
a lot of trash and glass broken...
I hope no dead bodies visible by now, but who knows...
This picture was taken from a top of hotel in a center of French Quarter. It looks like party is already starting to get back, before even dead bodies removed.
Excellent point of view... Well captured!!!!