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Фото "Navigating on golden sea..."

фото "Navigating on golden sea..." метки: пейзаж, вода, закат
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Navigating on golden sea...
место съемки:
Filter: Cokin Varicolor P173 
чт 6 окт 2005 16:58
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комментарии (15 из 95)
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mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #1 чт 6 окт 2005 17:11

excellent tonality; have a good day

Igor Laptev Igor Laptev #2 чт 6 окт 2005 17:24

Very nice shot, Bere!

Miguel Corte-Real Miguel Corte-Real #3 чт 6 окт 2005 17:37

beautiful golden tone and atmosphere!

Порошков Виктор Порошков Виктор #4 чт 6 окт 2005 17:41

Nice tone!

Phil Sanders Phil Sanders #5 чт 6 окт 2005 17:45

Very effective use of the golden tone...

Chet King Chet King #6 чт 6 окт 2005 18:01

Nice composition.

miguel miguel #7 чт 6 окт 2005 18:17

Beautiful tones and mood. Regards.

Евгений Ючкин Евгений Ючкин #8 чт 6 окт 2005 18:31

Beautiful composition and tones!!!
Congrats my friend!!!

Геннадий Юршевич Геннадий Юршевич #9 чт 6 окт 2005 18:36

Fine picture... Very much it was pleasant ...!!!

Ольга Малеева Ольга Малеева #10 чт 6 окт 2005 19:24

!!!!! Superb colors)))

Bernd Ratfisch Bernd Ratfisch #11 чт 6 окт 2005 19:50

It's Santos in the background, istn't it...
If have made a slide with the view nearer to the beach in the early 70s. It got nearly the same colour balance by aging, not by Cokin..

I like this photograph very much, it's a nice moment, a great panorama in a beautiful mood. My congratulations!

Nuno Milheiro Nuno Milheiro #12 чт 6 окт 2005 20:46

Excellent golden tones!
Very well captured moment!


Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #13 чт 6 окт 2005 20:47

This is a wonderful golden composition Bere!!

flemming rasmussen flemming rasmussen #14 чт 6 окт 2005 21:02

Very nice composition and color, congrats.

Надежда Колдышева Надежда Колдышева #15 чт 6 окт 2005 22:08

Beautiful tones and mood!!!!Jinhos, Bere!