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Фото "When the Sun sets"

фото "When the Sun sets" метки: пейзаж, закат, зима
50% 75% 100% EXIF
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When the Sun sets к
место съемки:
вт 18 дек 2007 19:12
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комментарии (15 из 17)
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Ion Popa Ion Popa #1 вт 18 дек 2007 19:15


mircea grumaz mircea grumaz #2 вт 18 дек 2007 19:41

nice sunset presentation and very good with these silouettes; regards

chandru shahani chandru shahani #3 вт 18 дек 2007 19:59

The silouettes makes this shot outstanding and
the golden light you captured is very pleasing to
the eye. Nice sunset sky and brilliant composition.

Татьяна Савватеева Татьяна Савватеева #5 вт 18 дек 2007 20:19

Nice and impressive silhouettes

Nada Vujanic Nada Vujanic #6 вт 18 дек 2007 21:26

I like this low angle, it makes photo more interesting.

Дмитрий Круглов Дмитрий Круглов #7 вт 18 дек 2007 23:57

Very interesting and nice work!

Gene Mar Gene Mar #9 ср 19 дек 2007 09:07

Beautiful shot.
There is thousands look alike sunset images on photoforum.ru but this one is digfferent.

Guenter-Georg Guenter-Georg #10 чт 20 дек 2007 11:27

fantastic moment, the silouettes so great!

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #11 пт 21 дек 2007 08:13

WOW! Wonderful shot, my friend!!!!
Great composition, light, silhouettes and colors!

Iva Ignatova Iva Ignatova #12 ср 9 янв 2008 01:54

Very successful capture!!! Congrats!

Алексей Патлах Алексей Патлах #13 пн 3 мар 2008 21:22

Отличная работа!

Joaquim Simoes Joaquim Simoes #14 ср 5 мар 2008 02:14

Fantastic composition, Ravi!!!
Excellent work
My congratulations

Maciek Schulz Maciek Schulz #15 чт 20 мар 2008 20:35

Excellent shot.

silvia marmori silvia marmori #16 ср 7 май 2008 18:36

one of your best, my dear friend..
great captured one..
kisses to you!

Валентин Бондаренко Валентин Бондаренко #17 пт 9 май 2008 16:32

Very interesting and nice work! улыбаюсь