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Фото "Sagrada Família Church"

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Sagrada Família Church
место съемки:
Basilica and Expiatory Church of the Holy Family > Designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí (1852–1926).

Though construction of Sagrada Família had commenced in 1882, Gaudí became involved in 1883, taking over the project and transforming it with his architectural and engineering style—combining Gothic and curvilinear Art Nouveau forms.

Gaudí devoted his last years to the project and at the time of his death in 1926, less than a quarter of the project was complete.Sagrada Família's construction progressed slowly as it relied on private donations and was interrupted by the Spanish Civil War—only to resume intermittent progress in the 1950s. Construction passed the mid-point in 2010 with some of the project's greatest challenges remaining and an anticipated completion date of 2026—the centennial of Gaudí's death. The basílica has a long history of dividing the citizens of Barcelona—over the initial possibility it might compete with Barcelona's cathedral, over Gaudí's design itself, over the possibility that work after Gaudí's death disregarded his design, and the recent possibility that an underground tunnel of Spain's high-speed train could disturb its stability.

Describing Sagrada Familia, art Critic Rainer Zerbst said "it is probably impossible to find a church building anything like it in the entire history of art" and Paul Goldberger called it 'the most extraordinary personal interpretation of Gothic architecture since the Middle Ages'. 
пт 10 фев 2012 00:38
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комментарии (15 из 38)
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Светлана М. Светлана М. #1 пт 10 фев 2012 00:42

So beautiful!

Liubomir Liubomir #2 пт 10 фев 2012 00:43

Excellent work!

Олег Железнов Олег Железнов #4 пт 10 фев 2012 01:40

Very nice work!The exterior shots seen. The picture from the inside - the first time.

Rich Read Rich Read #5 пт 10 фев 2012 02:23

What an amazing structure!
Excellent photograph.

Eldon Ormsby Eldon Ormsby #6 пт 10 фев 2012 02:41

Thank you for the beautiful attention you have given to the beauty of this Church Bere. It is a wonderful image indeed. улыбаюсь

Любовь Селиванова Любовь Селиванова #7 пт 10 фев 2012 02:47

Прекрасно! А я не была там внутри!

Александр Кожухов Александр Кожухов #8 пт 10 фев 2012 05:00

Класс! Грандиозно!

Игорь З Игорь З #9 пт 10 фев 2012 05:17

Great presentation! Interesting story.

Александр Давыдов Александр Давыдов #10 пт 10 фев 2012 07:00

Необычайно красиво!!!

Старик Старик #11 пт 10 фев 2012 08:42

A beautiful view. Light of the heavens

Андрей Климачёв Андрей Климачёв #12 пт 10 фев 2012 09:54

A wonderful picture.

Владимир Комышев Владимир Комышев #13 пт 10 фев 2012 10:34

Divine! His head is spinning! аплодирую

roadrunner roadrunner #14 пт 10 фев 2012 11:18

Great interior!

Ondrej Tichy Ondrej Tichy #15 пт 10 фев 2012 12:24

Excellent work Bere, wonderful interior of wonderful building. Church creates a very powerful, almost mystical atmosphere. улыбаюсь

Александр Ларионов Александр Ларионов #16 пт 10 фев 2012 15:26

Грандиозность джунглей каменных конструкций.