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Владимир Студенецкий Владимир Студенецкий #1 пн 11 ноя 2002 00:29

Замечательный тоскливый взгляд!

Jose Sarmento Jose Sarmento #2 пн 11 ноя 2002 00:42

I would like to see the two eyes. For me the perspective would be better.

Борисыч Борисыч #3 пн 11 ноя 2002 00:45


Gregory S. Linschitz Gregory S. Linschitz #4 пн 11 ноя 2002 00:53

Very nice portrait....
Good composition...
Very small patch of light...

Mavis Mavis #5 пн 11 ноя 2002 02:26

Sandra your new Horse Paco is a wonderful photo . He almost seems to have a smile . He knows he has come to s good home . How the background echoes the browns of the horse . A really wonderful composition . I like it 5+ 5+ 5+

Victoria Victoria #6 пн 11 ноя 2002 04:01

Красавица!!! улыбаюсь
Очень нравится бекграунд....
Единственный минус, на мой взгляд, центральное расположение модели улыбаюсь

Ольга Б Ольга Б #7 пн 11 ноя 2002 08:00

Красивый снимок. Не очень нравится ракурс. Мне кажется, что надо было захватить часть передних ног.

Владимир Гуров Владимир Гуров #8 пн 11 ноя 2002 08:35

So kind animal. Good for pair улыбаюсь )

Stepan Borodulin Stepan Borodulin #9 пн 11 ноя 2002 10:55

well done! Good color and composition.

Андрей Щербаков Андрей Щербаков #10 пн 11 ноя 2002 12:23

A very kind picture!

Jaak BELLEN Jaak BELLEN #11 пн 11 ноя 2002 13:39

I like it.

Tanielle Tanielle #12 пн 11 ноя 2002 19:27

Я бы отрезала где-то 1-1,5 см листвы слева...

Jose Luis Mendes Jose Luis Mendes #13 пн 11 ноя 2002 20:00

Excellent shot and beutiful background!
Congrt Sandra!

Vitor Nunes Vitor Nunes #14 пн 11 ноя 2002 20:36

Congrats Sandra.

Fernando Dinis Fernando Dinis #15 пн 11 ноя 2002 20:42

Excellent portrait Sandra улыбаюсь )

Maria Oliveira Maria Oliveira #16 пн 11 ноя 2002 21:06

Excellent composition, Sandra. Light is wonderful.

Валерия Струнникова Валерия Струнникова #17 пн 11 ноя 2002 21:45

Very nice!!!!!

Reda Danaf Reda Danaf #18 пн 11 ноя 2002 22:28

Beautiful, my favorite animal, nice pose.

Дмитрий T Дмитрий T #19 пн 11 ноя 2002 23:34

Remarkable melancholy sight!

Irina Savkina Irina Savkina #20 вт 12 ноя 2002 00:04

Very nice portrait!=)

Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria Rosa Maria Fiuza Sciullo Faria #21 вт 12 ноя 2002 00:27

beautiful composition and the colors of the background adds a special touch in this photo.
Congrats again Sandra.

Victor Camara Victor Camara #22 вт 12 ноя 2002 03:02

Like your title this is a 5* picture of a horse 5*.
Very good indeed. Congrats.

Greg Summers Greg Summers #23 вт 12 ноя 2002 03:35

I haven`t done well taking photos of horses, so I find this very special. Not just as a photo of a horse, but the look in the eyes, the majesty of the animal - it`s gentleness - and i know a photo is an illusion - a moment in time, but what you have captured here is as much your love for the horse as anything. When a photo reveals the photographer, that is something special.

Greg Summers Greg Summers #24 вт 12 ноя 2002 03:36

I haven`t done well taking photos of horses, so I find this very special. Not just as a photo of a horse, but the look in the eyes, the majesty of the animal - it`s gentleness - and i know a photo is an illusion - a moment in time, but what you have captured here is as much your love for the horse as anything. When a photo reveals the photographer, that is something special. I am also totally confused as to how one rates a photo anymore. Help?

mihmih mihmih #25 вт 12 ноя 2002 04:31

Excellent photograph!
My congratulations!

Надежда Квитка Надежда Квитка #26 вт 12 ноя 2002 08:34

Very nice portrait....

MihF MihF #27 вт 12 ноя 2002 20:15

beautiful animal

Юрий Тяпин Юрий Тяпин #28 ср 13 ноя 2002 02:58

Wow! He`s nice!

Edite Fernandes Edite Fernandes #29 ср 13 ноя 2002 04:36

Excellent portrait of a wonderful animal!
The colors and the light are great!

Надежда Колдышева Надежда Колдышева #30 ср 13 ноя 2002 08:30

Very nice portrait

Alex Amelin Alex Amelin #31 чт 14 ноя 2002 20:53


Anetta Anetta #32 пт 15 ноя 2002 18:30


Dan Swanzen Dan Swanzen #33 пт 15 ноя 2002 18:56

Excellent portrait !

Борисыч Борисыч #34 сб 16 ноя 2002 23:44

Excellent, again!

Vitor Azinheira Vitor Azinheira #35 сб 30 ноя 2002 22:43

Very nice portrait.

Merv Rosenquist Merv Rosenquist #36 ср 4 дек 2002 03:25

Excellent portrait shot, Sandra! улыбаюсь

Very well done! улыбаюсь

Don Jette Don Jette #37 чт 5 дек 2002 08:52

What a great portrait Sandra

Berenice Kauffmann Abud  - AFIAP Berenice Kauffmann Abud - AFIAP #38 пт 20 дек 2002 02:00

Excellent portrait!

strelka strelka #39 ср 18 июн 2003 14:32

O! My favorite animal !!! You have yet another?